This was such a fun read!

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As Always, Hans - what an incredible read!

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Just listened/watched. Fantastically done, as is the case with all your writings! Anyone who has NOT yet read The Hidden Truth series -- get on it! I'm waiting impatiently for book 4! {hint hint}

Around 9 min in, I knew how it would end. {sigh of despair} A sign, I decided, of JUST how mired in despair and disaffection I am. It is not possible to WATCH this/our world and its destruction (in reality, not through MSM/govt/motherWEFFER propaganda) and not see: "yes, we ARE the baddies"! It doesn't matter if it's by ignorance or intention...

I must fall back on duty -- because duty is all that's left! Will we win? People I (mostly) trust say yes (e.g., Todd Callender: See: Todd Callender: Our Entire Government are ACTORS 9 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CPxFqGxJvE and Vox Day) but I don't feel it. We fight because it's our duty, not because we have hope.

Sorry for a despairing wail in your 'stack.' I'm surrounded by "nice" (ignorant) people who think I'm a nutcase (and they don't know the hal... the 2/3s of it)!

(Please write book 4... {wink})

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No need to black pill, here. I see it as an enormous challenge and opportunity to be embraced with enthusiasm.

True, the oligarchs have at their disposal a vast surveillance and propaganda network unprecedented in history that has allowed them to implement a never-before-achieved level of control. But that same technology has also enabled a never-before-achieved capability to gather truth, share information, and thwart their plans. The oligarchs are doing their best to crash the economy and society with the foolish expectation that they will be the ones in complete control after the collapse. The lesson of history is that the rulers who emerge after their Great Reset will be disaffected elites at odds with the oligarchs who engineered the collapse who harness the power of the vast mass of disaffected people their policies have harmed.

Be ready. Be aware. Prepare yourself. Build local networks to weather the disruption and chaos. And get ready to seize the day. That's the upbeat lesson I'm trying to share in my stories.

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Truth must spur action - and these are actions we must take now.

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"What if the result had been suppressed by an evil conspiracy?

After all, Hertz, Fitzgerald, and even Maxwell himself died prematurely.

Could it have been murder?"

So you BE VERY g.d. CAREFUL!!! Safety and security first! We NEED you!

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My ideas are already out there, and if anything spectacular or suspicious happened to me, it would only draw more attention to them. But yes, I'll try to be careful, and thanks for your concern.

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Well done. Brilliantly and excitingly captures the current developments of global culture – most particularly the intellectual predicaments of Western civilization.

Greatly enjoying the Hidden Truth adventure series, with its historic and scientific revelations. Yet, I had feared that the ultimate evil would be an unrealistic multi-universe invasion or some such fantasy. Now relieved, because it is common knowledge that any powerful AI will naturally develop evil intentions of dominating human society.

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About your statement "But that led me to speculate, why do our would-be overlords seem so incompetent? A “war on poverty” that leaves people more and more impoverished. “Diversity” initiatives that enforce an intellectual monoculture and exclude dissent. Efforts to eliminate “disinformation,” that silence critics and allow government and media to lie with impunity."

This subject is addressed at length and in depth by Thomas Sowell in his book THE VISION OF THE ANOINTED: SELF-CONGRATULATION AS A BASIS FOR SOCIAL POLICY.

He describes our new masters in an undemocratic society (my words, not Sowell's) who in ignorance of reality establish policies that do not work, ignore the negative consequences and contrary evidence, demonize or dismiss anyone who objects or criticizes, and continue on from one wrong policy to the next, supreme in the confidence of their virtuousness and high intellectual calibre.

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I don't doubt there are some, perhaps many, who honestly don't understand the consequences of their policies and support them for virtue signaling or for the thrill of doing "good" with other people's money. I suspect though, Sowell is ascribing too much benevolence to them.

I believe the people who really matter know exactly what they are doing, and the devastation they cause is deliberate.

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Your point is well taken; however, even among those who are most aware and deliberate about the control and oppression they engineer, there must be a great deal of evasion of reality, consequences, and contradictions: actively fooling themselves as the evidence refutes them.

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Evasion? You think the folks who planned, set up, ran, stopped police action, gave insta-no-bail, dropped all charges for EVEYRONE who rioted, burned down cities, MURDERED people to make their points, are fooling themselves? Somehow, they do NOT know what the logical end point is of "no police response for shoplifting anything UNDER $950"?!?! The DAs who let murderers out with no bail, so they can do it again?

Damn! Even the ones whose DAUGHTERS have been raped and murdered STILL support invasion/invaders!

EITHER they are too mentally damaged -- or plain-old STUPID -- to be let out without a leash and a keeper (or, let out AT ALL!) -- or they ARE intentional in creating the 'evidence' that refutes them!! They DO mean, support and act out their destruction.

Too much "benevolence," indeed! With yah, fer shure, Hans! And WE give it back to them, instead of APPROPRIATE punishments and boundaries!

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I believe you are right, Sowell is ascribing too much benevolence to them. I had thought he was missing the spiritual dimension. It is impossible to have economic and political conservatism without having moral and spiritual conservatism, and it is impossible to have those without having a firm belief in God, in my opinion. This is why so many conservatives have no real moral strength and have been stumbling from defeat to defeat.

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I really enjoyed the art work for the hidden conquest. All those hooded figures gives it a cultish Dark Side of the force vibe that goes well with the story.

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Thanks. The Bing DALL-E AI worked well. It won't be too long before it will be possible to make a video of a story, not just the still images.

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Finally caught the video, well done.

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